Chaurcey Boyd's Total Life Christian Missionary Bible Center


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Chaurcey Boyd, an ordained minister of Jesus Christ, is founder of Chaurcey Boyd's Total Life Christian Missionary Bible Center (TLCMBC).

TLCMBC is first and foremost a ministry component/branch (John 15:1-10) of the universal church (Matthew 16:13-19) of Jesus Christ.

TLCMBC is Chaurcey's alternative ministry to Total Life Christian Missionary Baptist Church which Chaurcey founded.

Due to lack of sufficient membership participation, Chaurcey has paused Total Life Christian Missionary Baptist Church operations so he can focus on ministry priorities with greater flexibility. The Bible Center performs the same basic functions of the Baptist Church except it does not have the same formal legal organizational requirements, expectations, and branding.

If there is ever a sufficient increase in participation interest in an organized church, Total Life Christian Missionary Baptist Church will be un-paused or another named church will be organized. Consideration will be given to this when and if a sufficient number of people consisting of at least ten adult men and women including Chaurcey, at least six of which must be men, commit to formally organizing and regularly supporting such a formally organized registered church with time, skills, and finances.

In the meantime TLCMBC might from time to time conduct worship assemblies, virtually and/or physically, independently and/or through sponsorship of a partner church. Such worship assemblies will be under Chaurcey's authority as an ordained minister of Jesus Christ.

TLCMBC is part of the personal ministry of Chaurcey Boyd and is mostly funded by Chaurcey. However, non-tax deductible donations are welcome payable to Chaurcey Boyd. Any donations made to the ministry are not tax-deductible and are taxable income to Chaurcey Boyd in accordance with USA IRS rules. This is not problematic especially since the ministry expenses are minimal and TLCMBC does not often actively solicit donation.

However, tax-deductible donations may be made to a sponsoring partner church or non-profit under certain circumstances. Please contact TLCMBC for proper legal arrangements if you would rather make a tax-deductible donation.

In all instances, all ministry components shall remain true to God and his Word, Will, and Way. By faith, the ministry shall trust God to provide essential protection against undue interference by government laws, policies, and procedures.

This ministry addresses the totality of spiritual and natural life. In addition to recognizing God and salvation principles, this ministry provides basic life necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter either directly or through partners in the spirit of Matthew 25:31-46. This ministry addresses God's promises as well as individual/personal, family, church, community, government, and general societal responsibilities. This includes providing information on resources related to such functionality such as employment resources in support of basic life needs in the spirit of Genesis 2:7-15 and 2 Thessalonians 3:10.

TLCMBC uses appropriate aspects of the Church Constitution and Bylaws Model developed by Chaurcey Boyd. That model is intentionally designed to be generic so as to support adaptation of terminlogy and other factor to fit the specific ministry's environment while maintaing foundational principles set forth in the model.

For more information on the founder's ministry click here.

    Your Brother in Christ Jesus,
    Chaurcey D. Boyd
    Servant of Jesus Christ



Copyright © — Chaurcey Boyd's Total Life Christian Missionary Bible Center. All rights reserved worldwide.