Of course, this is a general bible study format as adjustments are made as the conditions call for.
If you desire individual bible study or have bible/spiritual/moral questions please send a message via the Contact TLCMBC page.
See the General Notes section at the end for more information including information on regular worship services.
Call to Order
Gospel Invitation for Public Committment to Christ Jesus Salvation and Membership and optionally formally to TLCMBC for membership, fellowship, and discipleship.
Announcements (As Needed)
Questions or Comments>
Closing Remarks
I currently provide flexibility to ascertain people interest and schedule in support of my and everyone's various schedules as I know we all have other things in which we are involved through the week.
This offer is primarily for those who don't already attend bible study somewhere else and believe the sessions would be useful to them or believe they have something to offer that would be useful to me and others. However, all are welcome to participate even if you attend bible study somewhere else.
Sessions should be somewhere between 30 minutes to 60 minutes. I have learned it is not so much about how much scripture we know. Rather it is more so about how well we understand how to apply the scriptures we know to life not only on Sundays/Saturdays but everyday at home, at church, at school, at work, at play, etc.
Participating is a greater commitment than spectating. Occasional hand clap, spoken Amen, reading a scripture, singing a song, praying a prayer, offering insight, of even be scheduled to teach a topic under sound doctrine conditions is participating as opposed to just watching.
Note that services may be done in person, over Zoom and/or Facebook Live and/or YouTube as conditions call for.
Zoom is free of charge to you except for data usage of course which should be no more than that used on Facebook Live as I donate for the sessions. But if you want to contribute then select the donate menu item; it is not necessary as the cost is not much but it is an available option. Just download the app to phone or desktop. When time for the session just open the app and enter the Zoom ID and Zoom Passcode sent to you on the graphic or otherwise.
You can join with or without video. You can also just join by telephone call using the Phone Passcode instead of the regular Zoom Passcode.
Those signed up are sent an email or text message reminder with the Zoom link and call-in info each week. Others may be notified on Facebook or text message. If you desire to sign up use the Contact Page to send your contact info. If you receive no further notification concerning the Zoom info just use the previously provided Zoom ID and Passcodes as they should not change unless a problem arises with them.
Program may be adjusted as conditions dictate.
Let good old fashioned common sense prevail!
Spread the word.
For regular worship services information click here
***End of Order of Service***
Copyright © —Total Life Christian Missionary Baptist Church. All rights reserved worldwide.